Yoga Teacher Training, Carbondale IL
200 RYT and 500 RYT programs available
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200 RYT and 500 RYT programs available
Connect with us to receive an Information Packet with all the details.
200 RYT and 500 RYT programs available.
Connect with us to receive an Information Packet with all the details.
This is a 200 hour or 300 hour program in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. “Emery Bryant Yoga” is a Register Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance. Upon completion of the program trainees will be granted a written Certificate of Completion from Emery Bryant Yoga and will be permitted to use the title Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT). With the Certificate of Completion trainees will be eligible, but not required, to register with Yoga Alliance at the RYT 200 or RYT 500 level for a fee payable to Yoga Alliance.
200 RYT and 500 RYT programs available
Connect with us to receive an Information Packet with all the details.
This is a 200 hour or 300 hour program in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. “Emery Bryant Yoga” is a Register Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance. Upon completion of the program trainees will be granted a written Certificate of Completion from Emery Bryant Yoga and will be permitted to use the title Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT). With the Certificate of Completion trainees will be eligible, but not required, to register with Yoga Alliance at the RYT 200 or RYT 500 level for a fee payable to Yoga Alliance.
200 & 300 hour teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance (RYT).
To receive more information on upcoming trainings please connect with Emery Bryant at.